tooth replacement

The neighboring teeth will try to fill the space left by the missing tooth by moving towards the vacant space.

since it no longer has a surface to lean on, the tooth that is on the opposite jaw (the antagonist tooth) will no longer contribute as much to the process of chewing food. Ultimately, it could become dislodged, and the patient may need to undergo tooth extraction.

 the missing tooth could promote the appearance of dental caries , tooth loss or gum problems. Bacteria are more likely to lodge in the spaces created by the loss of a tooth.

the teeth in place will have to compensate for the chewing capacity lost. In doing so, they risk wearing out more quickly.

Solutions to replace a missing tooth

Different solutions exist to replace a missing tooth. These vary in particular according to the number of teeth to be replaced. Let’s take a closer look at them.

The dental bridge

The dental bridge is a good way to replace a missing tooth. This treatment is particularly suitable when the adjacent natural teeth on which the bridge will be fitted have adequate support.

The dental bridge also has an excellent lifespan when properly maintained with daily oral hygiene care.

dental implants

Placing a dental implant is another way to compensate for the loss of one or more teeth. The role of the dental implant is to replace the root of the missing tooth. This is a small titanium screw that the dentist inserts into the jaw bone.

Once the healing has taken place, and following a meticulous and rigorous dental examination , this artificial root can be topped with a crown on an implant which will replace the missing tooth, fill the space and allow the dentition to regain its full functionality.

Dental implants are aesthetic, durable and provide very strong support when it comes to replacing a lost tooth. This dental treatment also has the advantage of preserving the integrity of the adjacent natural teeth. However, the patient must demonstrate sufficient bone volume in the jaw before resorting to this treatment.

Partial dentures

Partial dentures are a possible dentistry treatment when it comes to replacing multiple missing teeth.

This replacement solution is often used when the neighboring teeth are not strong enough to support a dental bridge or when the patient has several spaces without teeth.

Fixed or removable dental prostheses consist of several artificial teeth that look just like natural teeth. Custom designed from the patient’s oral impressions, the dental prosthesis fits perfectly into the existing dentition and offers good stability. This solution is also more economical than other treatments, such as the placement of dental implants.

At the Mont-Royal Dental Center, your dentist works with a denturist to provide you with quality prosthodontic care as soon as possible. This collaboration allows us to offer you treatments adapted to your situation, within the clinic itself.

Replace a missing tooth and optimize your oral health

So this is it ! Now you know why it is essential to replace a missing tooth and what dental care is possible to fix it.

Of course, the choice of one replacement option rather than another depends above all on the diagnosis made by your dentist and your needs.

If you have edentulous spaces, we strongly recommend that you make an appointment with your dental center without further delay. Your dentist will be able to answer your questions and recommend the treatment plan that precisely meets your expectations.

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